The iFrame component

This component is not supported for AMPHTML adsvideo ads, or image ads.

The iFrame component lets you load external URL elements (including other web pages) in your project within an iframe.

To add the iFrame component to your project:

  1. Open the Components panel, then the Miscellaneous folder.
  2. Drag the iFrame component to the stage.
  3. In the iFrame properties section of the Properties panel, enter the URL you want to load in the Source field. It must be served over HTTPS.


Property Description
Name The name of the component.
Source The URL of the external element. It should be served over HTTPS. Can be bound to dynamic data.
  • auto - Scrollbars appear if needed. (Default)
  • yes - Scrollbars always appear.
  • no - Scrollbars never appear.

Scrollbar controls do not work for iOS.

Events and actions

Events sent by the iFrame component

You can trigger other actions based on the following iFrame component event:

Event Description
iFrame loaded Sent when the iFrame loads.

To select this event in the Event dialog, set the iFrame component as the target.

Actions performed by the iFrame component

The following iFrame component action can be triggered in response to other events:

Action Configuration options
Set url URL - The new URL for the iFrame. It should be served over HTTPS.

When you select this action in the Event dialog, set the iFrame component as the receiver.

Learn how to configure events.


This component can't be previewed inside the Google Web Designer interface. To see the component in action, preview your document in your preferred browser by clicking the Preview button in the upper right corner.

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Building an AMPHTML ad?

The features described on this page may not be available for AMP documents. Learn more about AMPHTML ads and their limitations.

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