
Urchin WebAnalytics Software is discontinued and is no longer supported. All Urchin documentation applies only to the Urchin product as it was at the time of discontinuation, and does not apply to any Google Analytics products or services.

How do I do duplicate Urchin 3 SubReport filtering in Urchin 5?

In the Urchin 3 product, Subreport mode provided a mechanism for parsing a single logfile that contained log data for multiple websites, and then automatically generating Urchin reports for each website found in the logfile. When using Subreport mode in Urchin 3, it was not necessary to specifically configure an Urchin report for each website. However, the reporting was limited in that it restricted the total number of unique pageviews reported to 995 pages for all the websites in the logfile and non of the Tracking reports were populated.

Due to the reporting limitations and reliabilty issues, Subreport mode was deprecated beginning with the Urchin 4 product line. In order to duplicate Subreport functionality with Urchin 5, it is necessary to specify individual profiles for each site within your shared logfile, and use a profile-level filter to isolate data for each specific site. Please note that this introduces significant additional overhead in Urchin processing, since it Urchin must process the entire log for each configured Profile (i.e. website). Therefore, it is highly recommended that you create separate log files for each site on your server. If it is not practical to configure your webserver to create discrete logfiles for each website, then the single log can be parsed with a script to create separate log files for each Urchin Profile. A sample Perl script for doing this is available in the Helper Scripts area of the Urchin support website at:

Please download the SplitLogs Perl script from this page.

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