Upload the bulksheet

There are a variety of methods you can use to upload a bulksheet. You can also schedule bulksheet uploads to occur at a particular time and frequency, as discussed in Create a scheduled upload. Multi-entity bulksheets for example, containing both campaign and keyword data are uploaded in the same locations and using the same processes as for all bulksheets.

There are multiple ways to upload a bulksheet:

  • The Search Ads 360 UI: The new Search Ads 360 provides a single place to upload, review errors, and check the status. You can upload files in a variety of formats, including XLS, XLSX, CSV, TSV, or provide a link to a Google sheet. This is useful for performing “round tripping” by downloading the current data set, amending it as required, and then uploading the edited bulksheet.
  • HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure): The new Search Ads 360 connects to a secure endpoint to retrieve the bulksheet to be uploaded from your server.
  • sFTP (secure File Transfer Protocol): If you frequently upload bulksheets, you may want to use third-party software (called an FTP client) to upload bulksheets to an sFTP endpoint instead of manually uploading through the Search Ads 360 UI, or let Search Ads 360 connect to your sFTP server to retrieve the bulksheet Available options:
  • Bulksheet within Search Ads 360: Learn more about the bulksheet and how to add and edit keywords using it.

You can also upload through the Uploads page reached through the “Tools & Settings” dialog's “Bulk actions” Upload option. The full range of upload sources, including HTTPS and sFTP, is available here. You can download blank bulksheet templates as part of the upload process.
The two upload procedures are outlined in steps in Upload through the Bulk actions Uploads page and Upload a bulksheet through the new Search Ads 360 entity pages.

Upload a bulksheet through the “Bulk actions” page

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Navigate to a client account.
  3. Click Tools & Settings icon .
  4. In the Bulk Actions area, click Uploads.
  5. On the Uploads tabs, click .
  6. Select a source for your bulksheet:
    • To upload a file from your computer as a bulksheet, select Upload a file, then use the Select a file from your computer link to locate the file.
    • To select a Google sheet as your bulksheet, select Google sheets then click Link to an existing Google sheet to locate it. Make sure you've shared your Google Sheet with 242834847-0-account-staging@partnercontent.gserviceaccount.com. Learn how to Share files from Google Drive.
    • To use HTTPS, select HTTPS, then enter the Source URL and user credentials for the HTTPS endpoint.
    • To use sFTP, select sFTP, then enter the Source URL and user credentials for the sFTP endpoint.
  7. Under "What are you uploading", select Changes to your accounts.
  8. Select whether the changes apply to Multiple accounts or Single account. Changes can apply to any accounts included in your file.
  9. If required, select Send an email when upload is finished and add email addresses.
  10. Click Preview to view the possible results of the upload. If your bulksheet is very large, click Run in background. Search Ads 360 will notify you when the upload is complete.
  11. Click Apply to complete the upload.

Upload a bulksheet through the Search Ads 360 entity page

  1. Sign in to your new Search Ads 360.
  2. Navigate to a client account.
  3. On the page menu, click Campaigns, Ad groups, Product groups, Ads, Keywords, Locations, or Excluded.
  4. Click the More icon above the table.
  5. Select Upload.
  6. Select a source for your bulksheet:
    • To upload a file from your computer as a bulksheet, select Upload a file, then use the Select a file from your computer link to locate the file.
    • To select a Google sheet as your bulksheet, select Google sheets then click Link to an existing Google sheet to locate it. Make sure you've shared your Google Sheet with 242834847-0-account-staging@partnercontent.gserviceaccount.com. Learn how to Share files from Google Drive.
    • To use HTTPS, select HTTPS, then enter the Source URL and user credentials for the HTTPS endpoint.
    • To use sFTP, select sFTP, then enter the Source URL and user credentials for the sFTP endpoint.
  7. Select whether the changes apply to Multiple accounts or Single account.

    Changes can apply to any accounts specified in your bulksheet.

  8. If required, select Send an email when upload is finished and add email addresses.
  9. Click Preview to view the possible results of the upload. If your bulksheet is very large, click Run in background. Search Ads 360 will notify you when the upload is complete.
  10. Click Apply to complete the upload.

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