Gemini features in Photos privacy hub

Last updated: September 5, 2024

Gemini features in Photos privacy notice

How data is kept private

  • Your personal data in Photos is never used for ads.
  • Responses aren't reviewed by humans, unless you give feedback, or to address abuse or harm (this is rare).
  • We don't train any generative AI models outside of Photos with your personal data, which includes other Gemini models and products.

Your data & Gemini features in Photos

This notice and our Privacy Policy describe how Google handles your data when you interact with Gemini features in Photos, such as Ask Photos and AI-powered title suggestions.

What data is collected & how it's used

In Google Photos, Gemini features provide helpful suggestions and responses to queries using information you've provided Google. The information used includes photos and videos stored in your Photos library, face group labels/names and information in your Google account. We may process your photos and videos to make inferences, like guessing the age and locations of your top face groups.

Additionally, Ask Photos lets you provide relationship information for face groups, and a Remember List of facts you want the feature to remember for future responses.

How to manage, view & delete face group labels/names & relationships

When you add names and relationships to face groups, you'll get more helpful and accurate responses from Ask Photos. Learn how to manage face group labels and relationships.

How to manage, view & delete information on the Remember list

You can save facts for Ask Photos to remember by stating them expressly in the Ask Photos conversation. In response, Ask Photos will confirm that it will remember that fact, and you'll have the option to undo that action.

You can view your Remember list from the “Gemini features in Photos” setting. Each fact you‘ve saved in Ask Photos will be shown in this list. You can review and delete any fact. Learn how to find and manage your Remember List.

Never used for Ads

Your personal data in Photos is never used for ads.

Training generative AI models

We don't train any generative AI models outside of Photos with your personal data in Photos, which includes other Gemini models and products.

Things to know about human review

Human reviewers don't review Ask Photos responses, unless you give feedback, or in rare cases to address abuse or harm. To help us improve Photos, Ask Photos queries may be reviewed by humans, but prior to any human review, we first take steps to protect your privacy, such as disconnecting queries from Google Accounts and using specialized processes to remove sensitive content. Your queries do not include the Ask Photos response, your photos or videos, or any information from your account used by Ask Photos to generate its response. You may turn off query review in settings.

Opt out of query donation

You can opt out of human review of your queries to help improve Photos at any time. Learn how to opt-out of query donation.

What's shared when you give feedback

When you submit feedback from Ask Photos, we need additional information to help us address any issues and improve the product. This information will be attached to your feedback report:

  • Conversation transcript: Your queries, and Ask Photos' responses from the active Ask Photos conversation.
  • An optional screenshot: You have the option to include a screenshot that can help us resolve any issues you find. Keep in mind these might include some of your photos if they're present in your screenshot. Please do not include screenshots that contain photos you do not want someone to view.
  • A list of photos and videos that were studied by Ask Photos to generate responses to your queries: This list includes information like the timestamp, location, faces in the photo, and sometimes AI-generated text descriptions of what's happening in the photo. Your feedback doesn't include the pixels of your photos; humans won't be able to view your photos and videos unless they're present in a screenshot you include in your feedback.
  • A list of albums that were studied by Ask Photos to generate responses to your queries: This list includes information like the album title, date range, album owner, and a brief AI-generated summary of the album.
  • A list of face groups that were studied by Ask Photos to generate responses to your queries: This list includes information like the name label and estimated information about those face groups. It also includes any additional information about the face that you've added to your Remember list like, their birth month or year, or their gender. For your own face, information like your name and date of birth are from your account settings.

Things to know

The Gemini-powered features in Photos are still in early stages, and we're committed to making them safe and helpful for everyone. They're continuously evolving and may sometimes give inaccurate or inappropriate information that doesn't represent Google's views, so double-check responses and output, and use them responsibly.

To use Photos' Gemini-powered features, you must be 18 or older.

Terms of Service

The Google Terms of Service and the Generative AI prohibited use policy apply to Gemini features in Photos.

Privacy questions

What are Gemini features in Photos?

The Gemini features in Photos are features which use Google's Gemini models to make your experience in Photos smarter and more helpful. This includes Ask Photos and AI-powered title suggestions.

Do you use my Ask Photos conversation to show me ads?

No, your personal data in Google Photos is never used for ads.

Who has access to my Ask Photos conversations?

Human reviewers don't review your responses in Ask Photos, unless you give feedback, or in rare cases to address abuse or harm. To help us improve Photos, Ask Photos queries may be reviewed by humans but we first take steps to protect your privacy. You may turn off query review in settings. Queries aren't tied to your account and don't include the response or your photos. Learn how to opt-out of query donation.

What does it mean that Ask Photos is a new & evolving technology?

Ask Photos is an experimental feature that we're starting to roll out soon, with more capabilities to come. This experimental feature from Google Labs won't always get it right, and may give inaccurate or inappropriate answers that don't represent Google's views. When you leave feedback, you can help improve Ask Photos for everyone. Learn how to leave feedback in Ask Photos.

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