Coming soon: May 10 edition

See what's coming to Campaign Manager 360 over the next few weeks

Manage billing directly in Campaign Manager 360

A new Billing section will be added in Campaign Manager 360 to view and edit billing details and settings directly. The new section includes options to view your billing profile, edit invoice options, view and download invoices and transactions, and edit invoice delivery options. This section will be available to users with Billing: Full access permissions who have full access to Campaign Manager 360 and are already invoice recipients.

Display creatives with multiple .html files no longer supported in Campaign Manager 360 and Display & Video 360

Starting the week of May 24, you’ll no longer be able to submit Studio creatives to Campaign Manager 360 if they include more than one HTML file.

Starting the week of June 28, 2021, Studio, Campaign Manager 360, and Display & Video 360 will no longer support creatives that include more than one .html file. These creatives will be archived in Campaign Manager 360 and Display & Video 360. If you have existing creatives running that include more than one .html file, consolidate them into one .html file to avoid impacts to ad serving.

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