Your business information in your Business Profile

When people search for a business on Google, they may see information about that business in a box that appears in their search results. The information in the box, called the Business Profile, can help customers discover and contact your business.

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For some business categories, their Business Profile may show information unique to that type of business. For example, hotel listings will show amenities offered by the hotel, such as Wi-Fi or a swimming pool. (Hotels can edit certain attributes in their Business Profile.) For restaurants, users may see suggestions of places and a number indicating how likely a place matches their interests and preferences (aka ‘Your match’). When you verify your business, your Business Profile may look different, and you may see other available features.

How can my business appear in search?

Whether a business’s information will appear in search is determined by a variety of factors. Relevance, distance and the prominence of the business all contribute to its standing in local search results. Verifying a business doesn't guarantee that it will appear in search.

There's no way to request or pay for a better ranking on Google Search or Maps. Details of the search algorithm are kept confidential to make the ranking system as fair as possible for everyone. Learn more about local results rankings

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