[UA→GA4] What's happening with Google Analytics? [Legacy]

You are viewing a legacy article about Universal Analytics. Learn more about Google Analytics 4 replacing Universal Analytics.

If you recently received an email that Universal Analytics will soon be turned down and you aren't sure what you need to do, this article is for you.

Or, if you prefer video format to learn, watch the migration basics video:

Not yet migrated to the new Google Analytics? Simple steps to get started.

In this article:

Why did I get an email about Universal Analytics?

You have a Universal Analytics property

You got an email about Universal Analytics because your email address is listed as a user of a Universal Analytics property, which is a type of Google Analytics property. It's possible that you didn't create the property and the person who did or someone else in your organization added you.

What is a Universal Analytics property?

Universal Analytics is a type of Google Analytics property. If you started using Google Analytics before 2020, and haven't migrated yet, you're likely using a Universal Analytics property.

To review, Google Analytics measures website traffic to create reports. You or someone else who manages your website added a small piece of code to the website which sends information to Google Analytics. A Google Analytics property holds all the measurement data for your website and contains reports based on that data.

There are two kinds of Google Analytics properties: Google Analytics 4 and Universal Analytics. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is the newest version. Universal Analytics is the previous version. Starting on July 1, 2023, standard Universal Analytics properties stopped processing new data.

Why should I migrate?

Google Analytics 4 has replaced Universal Analytics

Starting July 1, 2023, Universal Analytics properties stopped processing data. They no longer measure website traffic and reports stopped updating. If you want to keep using Google Analytics to measure your website traffic, you must migrate to the next version of Analytics, Google Analytics 4.

If you do nothing, a new GA4 property will automatically be created for you, and your Universal Analytics configurations will be copied to the new GA4 property. Not all configurations in Universal Analytics have an obvious counterpart in GA4. As a result, the configurations in your new GA4 property may not be a complete copy of all your Universal Analytics settings.

How to opt out of an automatically created GA4 property
If you prefer to migrate on your own or don't want to keep using Google Analytics, you can opt out. If you opt out, a new GA4 property will not be automatically created for you. You will still be able to migrate on your own and use the GA4 Setup Assistant.

Keep Google Ads campaigns that rely on Google Analytics data running seamlessly

If you're bidding on Analytics conversions (goals) in Ads, it's important to migrate them to Google Analytics 4. If you do nothing, some conversions and audiences will be automatically migrated. However, not all of them can be automatically migrated and it will not be a complete copy. As a result, your ad campaigns may be disrupted when Universal Analytics stops processing data after July 1, 2023.

To migrate the conversions and audiences that you care about and keep your ads running smoothly, follow the migration steps listed on this page. Then, proceed to Next steps, which will lead you through the configurations you need to use Google Analytics 4 with Ads.

A migration tool in Universal Analytics will guide you

A tool in Universal Analytics will take you through the process of setting up a Google Analytics 4 property. It takes most people less than 15 minutes to create their GA4 property.

How do I migrate?

Find your Analytics account and check which properties you need to migrate

If you aren't sure whether you have a Universal Analytics property that you need to migrate or which properties you need to migrate, follow these steps. You must use Analytics in a browser, not the Analytics mobile app.

If you are ready to migrate, skip to the next section, Migrate your Universal Analytics property.

Find your Google Analytics account
  1. Go to https://analytics.google.com/
  2. If you're already signed in to Google, you'll be taken directly to Analytics. Otherwise, you will be prompted to enter your Google Account and password.

If you can't sign in to your account, go to Unable to sign in to account.

Check if you have a Universal Analytics property
  1. Sign in to Google Analytics.
  2. In the upper left, to the right of the Analytics logo, click the down arrow next to the name of your property.

  3. Under Properties & Apps, find your property.
  4. Universal Analytics property IDs start with UA and end with a number (UA-XXXXXXXXX-1)

    Property selector

Check if you need to migrate your Universal Analytics property
  1. Sign in to Google Analytics.
  2. In the upper left, to the right of the Analytics logo, click the down arrow next to the name of your property.

  3. Under Properties & Apps, find your property, then click its row, and click any view.
    Universal Analytics property IDs start with UA and end with a number (UA-XXXXXXXXX-1)

    Property selector

  4. Click Settings Admin (lower left).
  5. In the Property column, click GA4 Setup Assistant. It's the first option in the Property column.

    Don't see GA4 Setup Assistant? If you see a grayed out Property Settings in the Property column, you only have permissions in the View but not in the property or account. Contact the person in your organization with the Administrator role for your Google Analytics account and ask them to check if you need to migrate.
  6. In the Google Analytics 4 Property Setup Assistant, find a red or green notice that says "Not Connected" or "Connected."
    • If the notice is red and says "Not Connected," you need to migrate.

    • If the notice is red and says "Not Connected" and you also see "You do not have editor permissions. Contact your account admin," you need to migrate, but don't have the required permissions. Your account admin is someone at your organization with the Administrator role for your Google Analytics account. Let that person know that your property needs to be migrated.

    • If the notice is green and says "Connected," you have already started to migrate. Skip to next steps.

Migrate your Universal Analytics property

To follow these steps, you must use Analytics in a browser, not the Analytics mobile app. You need the Editor role for the account. It's easiest if you complete migration in one session. It takes most people about 15 minutes to migrate using the GA4 Setup Assistant.

  1. Sign in to Google Analytics.
  2. In the upper left, to the right of the Analytics logo, click the down arrow next to the name of your property.

  3. Under Properties & Apps, find your property, then click its row , and click any view.
    Universal Analytics property IDs start with UA and end with a number (UA-XXXXXXXXX-1)

    Property selector

  4. Click Settings Admin (lower left).
  5. In the Property column, click GA4 Setup Assistant. It's the first option in the Property column.

    Don't see GA4 Setup Assistant? If you see a grayed out Property Settings in the Property column, you only have permissions in the View but not in the property or account. Contact the person in your organization with the Administrator role for your Google Analytics account and ask them to check if you need to migrate.
  6. Click Get started under I want to create a new Google Analytics 4 property.

    If you aren't sure about choices the GA4 Setup Assistant asks you to make, read the detailed instructions in Add a Google Analytics 4 property.

  7. Follow the instructions in the GA4 Setup Assistant. When you're done, you'll see "You have successfully connected your properties."

Next steps

After you've created your Google Analytics 4 property, configure your new GA4 property using Setup Assistant. It will guide you through recommended features and settings.

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