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1099 tax form issues

You can use this information to help resolve your 1099 issues.

Select the option that best describes your issue:

I’d like to request a copy, submit a revision, or void a year-end tax form.

Year-end tax form requests (1099-MISC or 1099-K for U.S. based persons/entities) for the most recently completed tax year will not be accepted if you submitted the requests before February 5th of the current year.

Year-end tax form requests for 1042-S (for non-U.S. based persons/entities) will not be accepted if submitted before March 15th.

You may request revisions or copies of year-end tax forms for historical tax years at any time by submitting a year-end tax form request.

You can request a year-end US Tax form (1099-MISC, 1099-K, 1042-S)

I don’t know if I'm eligible to receive a 1099 tax form this year.

If you are unsure whether you should receive a 1099 tax form this year, you can check if Google will send you one.

I've recently changed my address and haven't received the 1099, or I would like to access historical 1099s from previous years.

You can request a year-end US Tax form (1099-MISC, 1099-K, 1042-S).

Additional support

You can ask questions and communicate with Google Product Experts and other publishers in our user-to-user community forum.

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