Limit ads about sensitive topics on Google

With My Ad Centre you can limit the ads that you see about certain topics that you might find uncomfortable. You can limit whether you’ll see ads about certain sensitive ad topics, including:

We will make our best attempt to not show you ads about the topics that you’ve chosen, but in some cases these ads may still appear.

  • You might see an ad about something else that may still feature the topic that you’ve limited. For example: You might see an airline ad featuring someone drinking a glass of champagne.
  • If you search for something related to a topic that you’ve chosen to limit, you might see contextual ads about that topic in your search results. For example: If you use Google Search to look for the best dating app, you may see ads for dating apps in your search results.

When you limit ads about sensitive topics, it affects the ads that you see on Google services while you are signed in to your Google Account.

How to limit ads about sensitive topics

To limit ads about sensitive topics:

  1. Go to My Ad Centre.
  2. Select Customise Ads and then Sensitive.
  3. Select the toggle next to each topic that you’d like to limit.
  4. Confirm your selection.

To allow ads about the sensitive topics that you’ve limited again, repeat the steps above. 

Go to My Ad Centre

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