Share proposed changes

You can share changes with other Google Ads Editor users prior to posting the changes to your account. You can have any number of reviewers, each of whom has the ability to make changes and add comments.

Here's a summary of the sharing process:

  1. You edit your account in Google Ads Editor. (Don't post your changes yet.)
  2. Export your changes as an AES file. (Remember, draft campaigns aren't included in share files, so change draft campaigns to "Enabled" if you want to include them.)
  3. You send the AES file to your reviewer, such as a colleague, supervisor, or client.
  4. Your reviewer imports your AES file into Google Ads Editor and reviews your changes.
  5. Your reviewer can either post the changes to Google Ads, export and send to someone else for additional review, or return the file to you.

Notes about AES files:

  • AES files aren't a permanent record of a proposed set of changes; they're specific to the time that they were created and may not apply later. If you want to make an export and intend for it to be re-imported at a much later time, use the Export Backup (AEA) option.
  • To ensure the usefulness of your AES file, it's a good idea for you and your reviewer to download recent changes at roughly the same time, before you send the file for review. If your reviewer tries to import the file into an older or newer version of the account, the AES file may not work properly. Once you've both downloaded the account, you can export your changes and send the AES file.

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