How to read charts in Comparison Shopping Service Center

You’ll find different types of charts in Comparison Shopping Service (CSS) Center. 

Common charts include:

  • Waterfall scorecard: Data split across categories (including categorical changes over time)
  • History chart: Data over time
  • Table: Detailed data shown in columns with filter options

A representation of charts in Comparison Shopping Service Center. The graphic highlights the Waterfall scorecard, History chart, and information table. It also features a filter for the page.

A waterfall scorecard shows a particular total broken down by category. For example, the scorecard on the top of the Account diagnostics page shows the total number of accounts that a CSS represents broken down by status. The leftmost number shows the total, while the data points to the right show how that total can be broken down by category. In the example of the Account diagnostics page, the categories by which the total is broken down are the various account statuses: opted out, suspended, warned, and no suspension issue. 

The small numbers below each data point tell you how much the total and the categories have changed over time. (You can see the time range in the filter bar above the scorecard or in the history chart below the scorecard.)

A history chart shows a timeline of how the data in the scorecard (both the total and the categories) changed over time. The colors in the history chart correspond to the colors of the various categories (for example, the statuses of various accounts on the Account diagnostics page). The data shown in the scorecard represents the most recent data point in the history chart.

Tables provide a more detailed breakdown of the data shown in the scorecard (which represents the most recent data point on the history chart). This data can be filtered to provide various views.

Note that filters that are located on the top of the page apply to the entire page.

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