Report overview

You can find several reports about your sales, transactions, and traffic in the Partner Center:

  • Google Play Earnings Reports: Information about your monthly earnings with Google Play.
  • Sales summary reports: Net sales grouped by book and country.
  • Sales transactions reports: Details for each transaction.
  • Google Books preview traffic reports: Page views and visits on Google Books.

Find & download reports

  1. Sign in to the Partner Center.
  2. On the left, click Reports.
  3. At the top, you’ll find earnings reports. To download the report, click Download latest report.
  4. At the bottom, you can create custom reports:
    • Select a report type, date range, titles, countries, and content types to include in the report.
    •  To download the report as a tab-separated file, click Export report.

Tip: To save the presets to use again, click Create template.

Differences between the report types 

  • Earnings reports
    • Contains the transactions that were included in that month's payment. 
    • Doesn't contain pre-orders that haven't been fulfilled. 
  • Custom reports:
    • Sales summary & transaction reports 
      • May contain transactions that appear on other Earning Reports. 
      • May have some missing values, such as Earnings Amount. The values will be filled in if you download them in a few days. 
    • Google Books preview traffic reports 
      • Contains page visits about Google Books preview.

Report availability

  • Earnings reports
    • 5 Business days after the end of the month. 
    • If it has been more than 5 days and you haven't received a report, check that your tax information is correct. 
  • Sales (Transaction and Summary Reports) 
    • 1–2 days after the transaction occurred. 

Note: Dates are displayed in the Pacific time zone, so a transaction that occurred on January 1 in Europe may show a date of December 31 in our reports. 

What's included in each report

Google Play earnings reports

Google generates a monthly earnings report for each payment profile in your account. You'll find a list of the months when you had earnings, along with a total.

For more details, click the Download link. Earnings reports contain the following information:

Earnings date The date of the payment received by the publisher for this transaction. (If the transaction was a refund, this is the date of the payment which was affected by the refund.)
Transaction Date The date of the transaction.
Id A unique identifier for this transaction.
Product Whether the transaction was a purchase or a rental.
  • Single Purchase: A normal sale.
  • Rental: A limited-term rental. The time period of the rental will also be included.
Type The type of transaction:
  • Sale: A book was sold.
  • Refund: A book was returned.
Preorder Whether this transaction applied to a preorder.
  • Authorized: The buyer preordered the book, and it hasn't yet been delivered. (The report was generated before the On Sale Date.)
  • Cancelled: The preorder was cancelled before it was delivered.
  • Fulfilled: The book was preordered and has been delivered.
  • None: The transaction didn't involve a preorder.
Qty The number of books in the transaction. This will be negative if the transaction was a refund.
Primary ISBN The primary ISBN or other identifier for the book, prefixed by a single quotation mark so spreadsheet programs will display the entire ISBN.
Imprint Name The name of the imprint the book was sold under.
Title The title of the book.
Author The author of the book.
Original List Price Currency For converted prices, the currency of the list price before currency conversion. Otherwise, the same as "List Price Currency."
Original List Price For converted prices, the list price before currency conversion. Otherwise, the same as "List Price [tax exclusive]."
List Price Currency The currency of the book's list price.
List Price [tax inclusive] The list price of the book, including any taxes.
List Price [tax exclusive] The list price of the book, excluding any taxes.
Country of Sale The country where the buyer bought the book.
Publisher Revenue % The publisher's percentage of the list price.
Publisher Revenue The amount of revenue earned by the publisher. This will be negative if the transaction was a refund.
Earnings Currency The currency of the publisher's earnings.
Earnings Amount The amount of the publisher's net earnings from this transaction. Negative for refunds.
Currency Conversion Rate If the earnings currency and the purchase currency differ, the rate of exchange between the two currencies.

Sales summary report

You'll find the following information in your sales reports (not all data may be present, depending on relevance):

Title The title of the book.
Author The author of the book.
Primary ISBN The primary ISBN or other identifier for the book.
Country of Sale The country where the buyer bought the book.
Units Purchased Total units of the book purchased in this period.
Units Refunded Total units of the book refunded in this period.
Net Units Sold Net units of the book sold in this period.
Total Publisher Earnings Total amount earned from net sales of the book in this period, in the customer's local currency. For a more detailed breakdown, see the corresponding sales transaction reports or earnings reports.

Sales transaction reports

You'll find the following information in your sales reports (not all data may be present, depending on relevance):

Transaction Date The date of the transaction.
Id A unique identifier for this transaction.
Product Whether the transaction was a purchase or a rental.
  • Single Purchase: A normal sale.
  • Rental: A limited-term rental. The time period of the rental will also be included.
Type The type of transaction.
  • Sale: The book was sold.
  • Refund: The book was returned and refunded.
Preorder Whether this transaction applied to a preorder.
  • Authorized: The buyer preordered the book, and it hasn't yet been delivered. (The report was generated before the book's On Sale Date.)
  • Cancelled: The preorder was cancelled before it was delivered.
  • Fulfilled: The book was preordered and has been delivered.
  • None: The transaction didn't involve a preorder.
Qty The number of units in the transaction. Negative for refunds.
Primary ISBN The primary ISBN or other identifier the book, prefixed by a single quotation mark so spreadsheet programs will display the entire ISBN.
Imprint Name The template used for the book.
Title The title of the book.
Author The author of the book.
List Price Currency The currency of the book's list price. If currency conversion was enabled, this is the currency of purchase as seen by the buyer.
List Price The list price of the book.
Country of Sale The country where the buyer bought the book.
Publisher Revenue % The publisher's percentage of the list price.
Publisher Revenue The amount of revenue earned by the publisher. This will be negative if the transaction was a refund. Negative for refunds. The currency is the same as the payment currency.
Payment Currency The currency of the publisher's earnings.
Payment Amount The amount earned by the publisher for this transaction. Negative for refunds.
Currency Conversion Rate

If the list price and payment amount are in different currencies, the rate of exchange between the two currencies.

Special note for sales in South Korea: Some customers in South Korea must pay for their books in U.S. dollars. For these transactions, even though the report will show a KRW price, the conversion rate shown will be from USD to the partner payment currency.

Google Books preview traffic reports

Google Books traffic reports include information about the preview pages for your books on Google Books. (Traffic data for Google Play is unavailable at this time.)

You'll find the following information in your report:

Date or Month The time period. This column appears in the report if data is organized by day or by month.
Primary ISBN The primary identifier (e.g. ISBN) of the book. This column appears in the report if data is organized by book.
Book Visits (BV) A Book Visit is registered each time a unique user views one of your books on Google Books. This number includes informational page views (such as the "About this book" page) as well as preview content page views.
BV with Pages Viewed The number of Book Visits in which users accessed preview pages of your book. This doesn't include visits where a user accessed only informational pages for your books.
Non-Unique Buy Clicks The number of clicks on links for purchasing the book on retailer websites (including your website, if you provided a buy link).
BV with Buy Clicks The number of visits which included a click on a purchase link.
Buy Link CTR The click-through rate (CTR) for purchase links.
Pages Viewed The total number of unique preview content pages that a user viewed in a given session (counted as a 24-hour period). If a user views the same page of your book twice during a session, only a single page view is registered.

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