
We’ve recently announced an update on publication pages. Please read here for more information.

Show up in Google News

Google News can help you reach new audiences and attract avid news readers to your site. With Google News, users can:

  • Discover current events, world-wide news, and diverse content from different publishers.
  • Subscribe to specific news providers and topics.
  • Bookmark and share articles.
  • Personalize content in the “For you” section.

How it works

Through a diverse set of features, Google News lets users learn about and engage with you. The Google News experience includes prominent branding and monetization opportunities, like advertising and streamlined subscription sales through Reader Revenue Manager.

You can use Publisher Center tool to share your content with Google News by submitting RSS feeds, website URLs, or videos.

Even if you don’t set up a publication in Publisher Center, Google might find your site through our normal web crawl. If you don't want to surface in Google News, you can block access to content on your sites without affecting your continued indexing and ranking in Google Search.

While you don’t need to sign up through Publisher Center to be considered in Google News rankings, it does provide certain benefits:

  • Content and branding control: Design, brand, and customize your publication in Google News.
  • Monetization opportunity: Publishers can use paywalls in Google News through Reader Revenue Manager.
  • Placement eligibility: Publishers who have set up and submitted Google News Publications in Publisher Center are eligible to appear in the Newsstand section of the app in applicable countries and regions.
    • Important: We do not guarantee placement. Algorithms personalize the publications that appear in Newsstand based on user preferences.

Things to consider

  • A feed or a URL you submit in Publisher Center isn’t guaranteed to surface or rank in Google News.
  • To display your content on Google News, it must follow Search and News policies. Google may block violating content when automated checks are done after submission.
  • If you operate a site in multiple languages, do not automatically redirect site visitors to different language versions. Learn more about how to manage multi-regional and multilingual sites.
  • Keep automatic redirects from one domain to another the same on mobile as on desktop. For example, if redirects to on mobile, it should also do so on desktop. Having redirects that don't match across all platforms could prevent users as well as search engines from viewing the content on your site.

Learn about how you can appear on other News surfaces.

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