Drag & drop files

You can drag and drop files to:

  • Move them within the Files by Google app
  • Copy them between the Files by Google app and other apps that support “drag and drop,” like Google Drive and Google Photos

Drag & drop files within Files by Google

You can drag and drop files from other folders in the app to the “Internal storage” section.

Drag & drop files to “Internal storage”

  1. On your Android device, open Files by Google Files by Google.
  2. Select the file that you want to move.
    • If you want to move multiple files at once, select all the files.
  3. Drag and drop the file or files to a specific folder in “Internal storage.”

Drag & drop files between Files by Google & other Google apps

You can drag and drop files between Files by Google and other Google apps like Drive, Photos, and Gmail.

  1. On your Android device, open Files by Google Files by Google and the other Google app you want to use.
  2. To check both apps at the same time, apply split screen settings.
  3. Select the file that you want to copy.
  4. Drag and drop the file to one of the following:
    • The “Internal storage” folder of Files by Google
    • The folder in the other app where you want to create a copy


  • Some mobile devices and apps may not support split screen mode.
  • Instructions to apply split screen mode can vary across devices.
  • To apply split screen mode, check the instructions for your device.
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