
Google has closed an agreement for Squarespace, Inc. to acquire all domain name registrations from Google Domains. Squarespace is the registrar of record for your domain and the Squarespace’s Terms of Service apply; however Google will manage your domain during a transition period. Following a transition period your domain will be transitioned to Squarespace, and upon transfer, your data will be governed by Squarespace’s Privacy PolicyLearn more about the agreement.

About .channel domains

Select a category below to get information about price, terms and restrictions, registration details, privacy protection, and more for .channel domains.

Registration instructions

Important: During the Limited Registration Period (LRP), .channel domains require an allocation token to register. You can get an allocation token from one of the .channel partners.

If you meet the usage requirements, follow the steps below to register a .channel domain:

  1. Search for an available .channel domain.
  2. Click Add to cart .
  3. To review your cart, click View cart . To remove a domain, next to a name click Delete .
  4. Click Enter info and enter the allocation token required to register a .channel domain.
  5. Google Domains defaults to opt you in to Auto-renew. If you don’t want to auto-renew, you can opt out. Learn more about renewal options.
  6. At the bottom of your cart, click Checkout.
  7. Enter or edit the domain Contact information.
  8. Select your payment method.
  9. Click Buy. It can take a few minutes to process your registration.


Type Price Learn more
Yearly registration $12 USD Buy a domain
Fee to restore an expired or deleted domain $80 USD Restore a domain

Terms & restrictions

Terms & restrictions Details Learn more
Registrar of record Google Domains Understand your registrar of record
Registry Google Registry About registries
ccTLD No Country code top-level domains (ccTLDs) are generally used or reserved for a country, sovereign state, or dependent territory.
Restrictions Yes

.channel is exclusively for content creators and publishers to monetize their content. All .channel domains must present the user with a website where the creator can monetize their content or audience. No other use cases are allowed. 

Learn about the .channel Domain Registration Policy.


Registration information Details Learn more
Maximum registration period 10 years This is the maximum number of years that you can manually add to your domain registration.
Transfer purchase requirement One year Learn about domain transfers to Google Domains.
Transfer authorization required No This indicates if authorization is required from the current registrant to complete a transfer. If so, the current registrant will receive a verification email.
Auto-renew timing versus Expiration date Zero days If you have auto-renew turned on, this is the number of days before or after your registration expires that Google Domains attempts to process an auto-renew payment.
Auto-renew grace period 15 days If you have auto-renew enabled, this is the number of days after your registration expires until your service is disrupted. To avoid this, keep your payment method updated.
Expiration disruption period Zero days If you don't have auto-renew enabled and your registration expires, you have a certain number of days before your service is disrupted.
Renewal grace period 30 days

When your domain expires, you have a certain number of days to renew the domain for another year.

For more details about price, go to the price section.
Restoration grace period 30 days

After the renewal grace period, you have a certain number of days to restore the domain for another year

After that time, it becomes available to the public for registration. For more details about price, go to the price section.
Availability wait period 35 days When a domain is deleted, you must wait a certain number of days before the domain is available to the public for registration.

Privacy information

Privacy information Details Learn more
Privacy protection allowed Yes About privacy protection
Privacy protection provider Contact Privacy Privacy Policy

Domain name system (DNS) information

DNS information Details Learn more
Domain name supports non-ascii characters (for example, À, É, Î, or グ) Yes IANA Repository of IDN Practices
Number of characters in a domain name 1-63 The domain name characters can be letters, numbers, or a combination of both. The character length applies only to the domain name, and doesn’t include the domain ending, such as .com or .net.
Number of name servers 2-12 Manage domain name servers
Supports Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) Yes Setting up DNSSEC

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